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This is the second update to the #ufo site. I've gotten feedback
from some of you out there. Anyways, keep writing and see you on #ufo !
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Well, here it is, follow closely.
How to get files off IBot:
Follow these steps:
- Make DCC Connection:Type /dcc chat IBot
- List Files Avaible: Type /msg IBot ls
- Download:Once you found what you want, Type /msg IBot get filename
- Get it: Type /dcc get IBot filename
Thats All!
Some of the highlights of IBot are current and up-to-date text files
on Art-Bell, lists of UFO sites, tons of images! And much much more.
In #UFO there are a group of people who are there to help you,
they have control over the channel and will answer any question you
have. So, if you have anything to say now, just click and send away to
any of them.
Current Topics in #UFO lately:
Alien Autospy: Fact Or Fiction?
Well, I suppose most have you have viewed the Alien Autopsy program whever
you are. Wether you were in the United States and watched it on the Fox
network or like the others who got to take a look at it early. Anyhow,
after the viewing on the Fox network, #UFO was BOOMING with people
on there. The main thing being talked about was probably it's authenticity
of it actully being an alien. I've though about that too, and I can't
really make up my mind. The show had the guy from Star Trek: The Next
Generation hosting.
The people who produced the show were no dummies,it was smart of
them to invite special effects teams to make their own guesses. A
Doctor who has done over hundreds of human autopsy'ssaid the men
in the white suites were either palentologists or something
like that. A private investigator was hired to search down the real
photographer, suprisingly they found a man who said he could have met
the photographer at a bar. The suspected photographer said "Yeah, I was
in Roswell when they had that big thing going on there"(at least
that is what i remember from the show).
The footage itself was probably the highlight of the show. For those
who dont have connections to the Internet it was their first chance to
see what we've been looking at for a month or so. Although they
only viewed maybe 1-2 minutes total of footage, they kept repeating the
same parts over and over again. People pointed out the clock in the
backroom and the telephone were of that era. Then the Autopsy started
to get underway. When they started to cut open the body it was very
intresting, and when they opened up the skull of the creature it really
makes you think if it is real. Basicly all I have said is on the "beliver's"
point of view. Now lets take a look at it from the skeptic. First I think
the biggest mess-up was the subjects genital area, the strange thing is
they blurred it out! Why would they do this? I mean the FCC has no
regulations on alien beings and genitals right? Besides in the still
pictures you can hardly make out anything. And who's to judge it is
sexual organs? This seems a little too strange for me. Other things were
when the cameraman was watching the alien he always kept the clock and phone
in good view of the camera, of course I doubt he was a Spielberg class
director. Other things of importance are that how do we know this is the
"Roswell Alien"? There was no proof of that shown. Also, Kodak comfirmed
that the film was either from 1927, 1947 or 1967. This makes people
automaticly assume it was real, but think again. That could have been
blank film kept in good storage for ages and recently faked. The special
effects crew said it was literally impossible to do create that sort of
thing, but thats one team...how about others? Another point to the
skeptics is that Santilli is kind of overcharging his video, I hear he
sells it for $30-60 dollars! That makes me think he just is in it for the
money PLUS the video rights tv networks will pay him are a nice thing.
Well I have presented you with some of the things I noticed, I'm
sure you noticed more than me and would like to share it with viewers
of this page. So, send me a letter and put the subject "autopsy" and I
will put your letter on here on what you belive.
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Updated on: 8/28/95 3:34:14 AM
Created By Mr. GoodBytes